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Test drive

A groom, some views

Shaving, exfoliating, depilating – the modern man can spend all day honing his appearance. Jonathan Beckman faces up to the task

Shorter, faster, duller

Want to read but just can’t find the time? Jonathan Beckman tries out the apps promising to get you in and out of a book in the blink of an eye

All work, some play

What future is there for the desk toy in the era of hot-desking and remote working? Jonathan Beckman interviews potential candidates

Know thy shelf

The internet’s great but it won’t get you a better tomato. Jonathan Beckman tries out a molecular scanner that might

Dream machines

Excessive screen time has been blamed for stopping us sleeping. Jonathan Beckman tries out some technological fixes in his quest for the full eight hours

A Little Va-Va-Vacuum

Dyson is about to release its first robot vacuum cleaner after 18 years in development. Jonathan Beckman challenges it – and its competitors – to clear up his living room
