1843 magazine

Election 2024

Tired of wokeness? Move to Florida

How the Democrats lost the Sunshine State


How poor Kenyans became economists’ guinea pigs

Randomised controlled trials have many problems. They may still be the best tool for solving poverty


Why I opened a secret school for Afghan girls

When the Taliban cracked down on girls’ education, one woman knew what she had to do


The hopes and dreams of Ukraine’s teenage refugees

Photographer Polly Braden has followed the lives of schoolgirls who fled after Russia’s invasion


Life and death in Putin’s gulag

Navalny’s death has exposed the similarities between Russia’s current penal system and Stalin’s


Why right-wing Italians love hobbits, pirates and talking seagulls

Their obsession with fantasy literature has a long and curious history

Letter from Kalundborg

The town that Ozempic and Wegovy built

Novo Nordisk’s drug is helping millions to lose weight. It is also changing Denmark


TikTok gurus made property investing look easy. I lost thousands

Samuel Leeds has retooled an old sales pitch for the age of influencers. No amount of controversy seems to dent it

Letter from Tbilisi

The prisoner and the oligarch: the struggle for Georgia’s future

Can Mikheil Saakashvili, a former president, win back the hearts of his countrymen?


The last stand of the call-centre worker

AI is poised to eliminate customer-service agents. We’ll miss them when they’re gone


Will climbers have to brave Everest without Sherpas?

Mountain work can be well paid by Nepali standards but traditional guides are finding it less attractive


The slavery heirs who went on an apology tour

Their ancestor was one of Britain’s biggest slave-owners. So they came to the Caribbean to say sorry