1843 magazine

This is your life

Sniffing out the next trends and innovations comes from a Zeitgeist-like inner certainty of what people will be demanding next, writes Lynne Franks

England, their England

John Major and Tim Rice ponder the mysterious delights and Byzantine politics of cricket

Sneak peek

After a dry spell, creative juices at car companies are flowing again

The investor’s art

With the last Vermeer in private hands about to be auctioned, art investors are feeling bullish again

Bye-bye Biro

First find a goose, then pluck a feather...

Flying saucers

With their canting keels, the latest blue-water cruising yachts can plane over the water, rather than plough through it, like the fastest of racing boats

No place like a second home

Second homes are popular as bolt-holes, crash pads, somewhere for holidays and retirement, or simply for rental income. Now they are becoming investment vehicles, too

The joy of travel in trouble spots

Tourism in war zones is less risky, and more rewarding, than you might expect

All the news that’s fit to e-print

Could hometown newspapers soon become as inescapable as CNN?

Gmail’s message

Michael Fitzgerald asks whether we are prepared to surrender more privacy for the sake of convenience?