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Fiammetta Rocco

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An act of restoration

Three and a half centuries after his execution, Charles I’s art collection is being reassembled. Fiammetta Rocco pays court

Two shrines one saint

Two new museums – in Paris and Marrakech – pay homage to the artistry of Yves Saint Laurent. Fiammetta Rocco takes the tour

The man with the most Rembrandts

An American billionaire believes that no artists depict our common humanity better than those of the Dutch Golden Age. That’s why he is sending his collection on a world tour

Things come together

A new wave of African novelists, who write about the experience of migration, is gaining international recognition. Fiammetta Rocco reports on their rise

The power of the book

“Meetings with Remarkable Manuscripts” will be the cultural bestseller of the season. Fiammetta Rocco meets the man who has examined more medieval manuscripts than anyone in history

State of the art

As he turns 70, Nicholas Serota is about to open a major extension to Tate Modern. Fiammetta Rocco assesses his legacy to date
