Signs and wonders

The world’s only living natural experiment in the creation of language has happened among the deaf in Nicaragua. As Dan Rosenheck discovered, it has fundamentally changed how linguists think about one of civilisation’s greatest mysteries

By Dan Rosenheck

“He may be a son of a bitch, but he’s our son of a bitch.” So Franklin Roosevelt is said to have described Anastasio Somoza, the American-backed dictator of Nicaragua. Somoza’s countrymen had little for which to thank the kleptocratic dynasty he founded. But Hope Portocarrero, the American-born wife of his son, Anastasio Jr, sought refuge in good works from the misery of her marriage to a philandering brute. Among these was a school she set up in 1977 in the capital, Managua, for students with disabilities. It was later named the Melania Morales School, in honour of a teacher killed in an accident.

Political unrest soon put the school’s growth on hold. In 1979 a leftist guerrilla group called the Sandinistas toppled the Somozas’ regime at great human cost: their revolution left around one in 70 Nicaraguans dead and one in five homeless. The Sandinistas proved to be repressive in their own way, but they did launch a campaign to remedy the appalling state of literacy in the country. Thanks to an education policy which Anastasio Jr once reportedly summarised by saying, “I don’t want educated people, I want oxen,” only one in five rural Nicaraguans could read by the end of the Somozas’ rule. The Sandinistas aimed to deliver at least a fourth-grade education to all Nicaraguans, and expanded special education. By 1984, Melania Morales had swelled to around 400 students, the youngest six years old. In addition, the government established a vocational-training institute, where deaf adults could learn trades like carpentry and hairstyling.

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